Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Big Performance

Taylor and her BFF Tiare made flyers and handed them out to all the neighbors. They wanted to do a talent show for everyone. They set up like 20 chairs along the sidewalk and put out snowcones and snacks for after. They did awesome on thier dance that those two girls made up.

Just some fun pictures

Karson in deep meditation
Tayor having some gas at the dentist
Karson and Taylors first day at school
Tay, Sadie and Sky walking to sonic. Love this picture of those girls.
Karson and his big old fish he caught on Strawberry.
My two workout buddies! They love to do insanity with me and laugh as i crawl to drink my water.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Petting the baby Deer

While we were in Monticello visiting, we went to see a baby deer that a farmer was caring for. He bottle fed the baby deer and helping it to stay alive without its mom. What a sweet little thing!! I would nibble your ear and suck on your finger. The kids loved it!!

Family Reunion 2011 Spanish Fork Canyon

The Camberlango's were in charge of the Burtenshaw Reunion this year. It was fun, we played minute to win it games that were full of laughs and ate good food and just hung out with family. We got lots of family pictures!

Princess Festival 2011

Taylor and I were able to attend the Princess Festival with her two counsins Haille and Sadie and her two aunts Andrea and Crystal. It's such a fun time for these little girls. It's like a little dream land all about making them feel special and like a princess.

Canyonland UT April 2011

Every year the Camberlango's go to Canyonlands to celebrate Easter. It's one of our most awaited vacations. The kids love to ride motorcycles and four wheelers.
Of course our trip wouldn't be complete without minor surgery preformed by Dad and the boys.
Followed by a little spouce abuse. It gets a little spicy around our camp. It must be the Italian coming out or something.
The kids just run wild and explore the area. They are so fun to watch. They all take off in this huge group of cousins and hike the red rocks. They get very high up there. It drops my belly to even think about it. But they do great and try to stay safe. Four wheelers and motor cycles are running all the time. The kids can't get enough of them. From sun up to sun down. We have had so may fun trip to Canyonlands already. Makes me so excited for the years to come as the kids grow older and develop a love for the area and a respect for what is there. It's beautiful and keeps the mind clear. Maybe it's just something with being in the out door that does it? I don't know but I love it.

A Place to Begin

I have not blogged for a very long time. I felt with all that has happened in our lives a new blog was the place to begin. It's my hope that by doing this blog and keeping up on it will help me document our lives and have it printed so that we are able to look back and remember. It's hard to know where to begin so I think I'll back up a little and start in April 2011.